Affirmation Mondays- know who you are

Living in a world where everyone believes that they are entitled to having an opinion about who you are, what you do and how you live can be challenging, especially when you live a life with no roots to ground you; a life where your identity has either never been established or has now been misconstrued.It is very easy to fall into a space where you resort to finding your value or your worth through tangible things or other people’s’ voices and opinions. When they tell you who they think you ought to be, they sound so “sure” and “right” because your beliefs about who you are neither here nor there.

God helps me in that he affirmed my worth,my identity and my position in life by showing me that I am worth dying for, that I have a home in heaven, that I have an amazing destiny which he has planned for. I know I am worth it because all God can think about is me and who I am to Him. He wants me to prosper, He wants me to be healthy and He wants me to succeed. And you know what? He wants exactly the same for you.

God, more than anyone else knows that we are sinners, He made us knowing this and therefore our actions do not surprise Him. In the Bible (2 Corinthian 12:9) God tells us that His grace is sufficient no matter how many times we sin (not that this should be an excuse to continue living in sin but it shows us ever so clearly, our amazing saviour’s relentless love for us). The Bible continues to say, :”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me”. Now I don’t know about you but I definitely need some of that power resting on me;I mean how can you not want the power of the Lord operating in your life; especially with the condition that our world is in, we are a broken nation in need of God’s power,love and healing.

Knowing I’m found in Christ validates my existence. When I feel like my life is no longer worth living, or that I cannot seem to do anything right, God tells me that all the strength I need is in Him, and all I need to do is believe it.. and reach out to Him…. because he never leaves me, because he never forsakes me, because He holds me in His righteous right hand.

God loves you so much and everyday, He waits for you to invite Him into your life, He knocks at the doors of your heart, hoping for you to invite Him in and share the life he has given you with Him.


This Monday, let us affirm our value with what we know to be true, facts that will never be altered by man-made circumstances. Let us meditate on the following today:

“I know I am worthy and valuable because Jesus did not only say it but He showed it when He died on the cross for me. I am worth the fight, I am worth the time and I am worthy of love”

Have a blessed Monday 🙂

4 Comments Add yours

  1. I needed this tonight and might have to re-read it again and again. I have come so far in the journey God is taking me on, but that one things–seeing myself as beautiful in God’s eyes–seems to challenge me daily. Thank you for this beautiful piece. Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tshego says:

      Hey Phoenixrising 🙂

      Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Words cannot explain how happy I am that this has helped you. self-acceptance is a journey and I have no doubt that you will emerge victorious in the end because God is on your side.

      Have an amazing day and God bless you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. kenzelsfire says:

    I loved this and almost missed it on the wordpress reader feed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tshego says:

      Hi Kenzel 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by.
      I am so glad that you enjoyed reading my post.
      Please don’t be a stranger on LoveSelfBeautiful.

      Have a blessed day!

      Liked by 1 person

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