Goodbye LoveselfBeautiful, Hello Female Millennial Musings!

We are moving over to Female Millennial Musings! Having started and run a blog (LoveSelfBeautiful) for the the past 3 and a half years has taught me quite a lot about blogging- and commitment (**cough cough prospective employer**). Throughout the journey, there have been plenty of sleepless nights, tears, threatening to delete the whole site…

5 things Americanah taught me about being African

When one gets their wisdom teeth removed, very many things can happen, one of these things, naturally as a bookworm, is having time to read. In between the moments of fatigue and pain I devoured the last few pages I had been savoring of Americanah and finally today I read the final page of an…

10 quick tips about life

The funny thing about life is that the more you get older, the more you’d think some things will no longer phase you, but what I’ve grown to understand is that life experience and self mastery cannot be measured by how long you’ve lived. These are attained by how consciously you choose to live your…

How to be the Earnie Davis of your generation 

I’m a sucker for movies that rattle my heart. There are few things in life that can tell a story well. My preference is reading about something  but I will not resist an incredible movie. Tonight I watched “The Express”. On the surface it was a story about great resourcing from an American College Football…

Americanah: My Thoughts So Far

So I have been the biggest fan of Chimamanda since we all first heard her speech in Beyonce’s music video “Flawless”. However, being the fussy reader that I am, I have been putting off buying her books, despite the raving comments I heard. To be honest, when I think about why it took me so…